Looking for some family fun this weekend? The sun will be shinning (for at least one day... might change though) and it should be around a balmy 16 degrees! Warmer temps are coming right? Riiiiight?!?!? 

There is this awesome website we use quite often to find out about kid friendly events going on in the HRM and it is called Family Fun Halifax. If you click on that hyperlink it will take you to this weekend's events. A quick summary about two cool events going on this weekend is below:

Saturday, May 25, 2019 - A FREE Fishing Derby being held at White Point Beach! This is their 5th Annual Derby and it's sure to be a fun one! All you have to do is register by emailing greatday@whitepoint.com . You have to be able to get there pretty early but,…

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Most of you may have already heard of the mortgage stress test that came into effect in late 2017, but do you really know what it all means? Here’s the low down on how it can affect us all. 

The mortgage stress test was passed by the government to protect all borrowers and it affects all borrowers in Canada no matter what income bracket they are in.


Why did this happen?

First, let’s put this in to context and talk about why this new mortgage regulation was passed. The main reason for introducing this new regulation was because, Canadians were carrying too much debt and mortgages make up a large proportion of our debt. Canadian’s saw a lot of changes in the housing market in, 2016 including rising mortgage rates from The Bank of Canada. The…

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