Halifax has a diverse history as a multicultural city, beginning thousands of years ago with the Mi'kmaw people. As the capital of Nova Scotia, our city has seen a lot of growth happen thanks to more than 100 cultures and ethnicities from all over the globe who have made their home here. 

Halifax is a city open to newcomers and immigrants and provides a variety of services and support for people choosing to relocate to the city. From assistance for refugees to the Halifax Local Immigration Partnership (HLIP) to welcoming students from all over the world, Halifax is know for its diversity. 

The city celebrates its numerous cultures and diversity through the organization and participation in many festivals and events throughout the year. The festivals and events held through the year provide an opportunity for people from all over the city to come together in celebration of music, art, food, and traditions.

Pier 21 Halifax Harbour Museum of Immigration

Halifax is also home to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, a place that once welcomed thousands of refugees to Canada. One in five Canadians entered through Pier 21 from 1928 to 1971. The museum today tells their story and provides visitors with a first hand look at what life was like for those coming into Canada. Some of the people who arrived went on to other places in Canada while others stayed in Halifax to make it their home.

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